{% block header %}

{{ product.label }} {{ product.identifier != product.label ? '(' ~ product.identifier ~ ')' : '' }}

{{ renderingDate|date }} {% endblock %}
{% block images %} {% for imagePath in imagePaths %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %}
{% for group, attributes in groupedAttributes %} {% block attribute_group %}

{{ group }}

{% for attribute in attributes %} {% block attribute %} {% set locale_attribute = attribute.isLocalizable or attribute.isLocaleSpecific ? locale : null %} {% set channel_attribute = attribute.isScopable ? scope : null %} {% set content = product.getValue(attribute.code, locale_attribute, channel_attribute) %} {% set manualHeight = true %} {% if 'pim_catalog_image' == attribute.type and content.data is defined and content.data is not null %} {% set content = content.data.originalFilename %} {% set manualHeight = false %} {% elseif ('pim_catalog_simpleselect' == attribute.type or 'pim_catalog_multiselect' == attribute.type) and attribute.code in optionLabels|keys %} {% set content = optionLabels[attribute.code] %} {% endif %} {% if content != null and manualHeight == true %} {% set manualHeight = attribute.label|length > (content|trim|length / 3) %} {% endif %}
{{ attribute.label }}
{% if 'pim_catalog_textarea' == attribute.type and attribute.isWysiwygEnabled %} {{ content|raw }} {% elseif 'pim_catalog_boolean' == attribute.type %} {# @todo @merge: refactor on master - use new translation keys #} {{ (content.data ? 'Yes' : 'No')|trans([], null, locale) }} {% else %} {{ content }} {% endif %}  
{% endblock %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %} {% endfor %}